A Presidents’ Day Release!

A few months ago, I was asked to participate in two anthologies. Each collection would be a combination of essays, poems, etc. in which authors shared their views on the 2016 election. 

The Resistance: United in Love is the first of the two anthologies to be released. I’m quite proud of the project and all the authors involved. 100% of the proceeds are being donated to the American Civil Liberties Union. Not half, not a percentage, ALL. The next four years will be long, and the ACLU will need all of the financial assistance it can get. 

Remember, human rights are civil rights. 

As authors, we create art. We express frustration, joy, sadness, confusion, and love via the written word. We’ve chosen to add our voices to an ongoing conversation. 

We hope you enjoy our anthology.

You can purchase a copy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VTV1QR6

Add it on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34334151-the-resistance

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