Author Spotlight: Cecilia London

Happy Monday Folks! 

Some of you may not have noticed, but I’ve been on a self-imposed social media break since last week. I’m getting a shit-ton of stuff done! Okay, I’ll admit I went through a little Twitter withdrawal on Day One, but as of this post, I’m doing alright alright alright! You don’t realize how much time you free up when you’re not aimlessly scrolling on social media.

I’m writing lots and catching up on my reading. This weekend I read two books, and I also rewrote a few chapters on a WIP. Maybe this week I can finally respond to emails and catch up on my insane backlog of book reviews. Oh, I also wrote a pop culture inspired blog post! Maybe I’ll get that up later this week. So yeah, Harper = productive little bee since my social media tap out. I’m also happier. I NEED SO MUCH HAPPY IN MY LIFE THESE DAYS BECAUSE THE WORLD SEEMS TO BE ON FIRE

Speaking of happy, this week’s featured author makes me laugh like crazy because she’s a riot. Check out her answer to the bonus question. LOL, be careful what you ask for ma’am! YOU ARE NOT READY! *twirls flogger*

You all should get to know her. She’s a great lady (and a lover of carbs).

Take it away Cecilia! 

I always find author interviews kind of boring. We only get to see one side of an author, the polite side. If you had an evil doppelganger, what detail would they enjoy revealing about you to the public that people would find surprising and possibly questionable?

Hmm…that’s a toughie. I’m pretty much an open book. But let’s just say that under my heart of gold, I’m a flaming mad bitch? Although you know me pretty well so that isn’t a big surprise.  

What was your gateway romance book?

I read some really questionable texts when I was younger. I would walk to the library and check out whatever I wanted since my mom trusted me. So I picked up a ton of weird books, none of whose titles I can really remember. Although there was this one called The Next, where some evil spirit takes over a kid and makes him grow (in more than one way, if you catch my meaning) and his aunt falls in love with him once he quickly reaches adulthood. That was some pseudo-VC Andrews shiat right there. That might have been the most graphic sex I’d ever read in a book, at the time.

But all of them were pretty tame in comparison to romances out now. And while she isn’t technically romance (at least, not in my mind) I was addicted to Danielle Steel books as a teenager. They were all being made into TV movies, they had super cool actors (Michael Nouri, swoon), and they were pretty faithful adaptations. Chances is still my favorite Steel novel, with Secrets a close second.

What’s your favorite season?

I live in Texas, so I enjoy that brief period of winter when it’s not 100 degrees and I can wear all the fleece and super cool sweaters and hoodies I own. Note: this lasts maybe two weeks and is hilarious because once it gets below sixty, you see people in parkas and scarves.

What’s the last movie you saw in the theater?

I’m lame and rarely go to the movies…you might have to go as far back as Deathly Hallows Part Two. Tonks! [sniffle]

What would you say has been the most shocking thing you’ve encountered since becoming a romance writer?

Lack of diversity continues to be an issue. Not just when it comes to race or gender or sexual identity, but also when it comes to plotlines. I love reading compelling, intriguing books with gorgeous prose, flowing dialogue, and twists and turns you never see coming. Full disclosure: I am extremely picky when it comes to what I read and when and why. It may even border on pretentious. But I wish there were more epic, meaty stories out there, more crossovers, more minority representation. We have a long way to go and I think sometimes we forget that this is an industry bent on making money above all else and there are still a very few who control the mainstream narrative. We have to change that. I’ve always been politically active and socially aware, but once I started writing romance I realized that these issues cross over into literally everything, big or small.

That and the drama gets a bit tiring. I did not expect that. I spent nine years working in the criminal justice system and I’ve seen stuff in the romance community that rivals my experiences in court.

If you could go back in time, what moment in your life would you give a do-over? 

LMAO. I’d hire a publicist for my first book, which I promoted myself. Big mistake.

Your Bellator Saga has some serious political influence. How has this tumultuous political climate influenced your writing?

I started writing it in 2013 and viewed it as a cautionary tale. Now we’re literally living some of my plotlines, and it’s frightening. I haven’t been able to do much productive writing since Election Night, so it’s a stressor. The saga is finished, it was epic, it was draining, it was inspiring but…it’s also hitting a little close to home right now. It’s kind of funny because now I have this built-in marketing device (hey, it’s metafiction!) but the current climate is so toxic that promoting my books has been almost an afterthought.

Finish this sentence: Life is meant to be _____. 

LIVED, fully and completely. Leave it all on the field, folks. You can’t take anything with you when you’re gone.

What are you currently working on? 

It’s totally top secret, which is why I will share it with you. Eva LeNoir and I may be working on a little something something erotic mess of a political satire. We’ll see where it goes. If nothing else, brainstorming our ideas has been incredibly cathartic.

Who inspires you?

My children. Their innocence and curiosity is a reminder to me every day to not only be a better person, but to cherish the freedom of not yet knowing the dangers that exist in the world.

**Bonus Question**

Ever tried BDSM? If not, would you?

I dunno, Harper. What are you doing next weekend? ;)


Cecilia London is the pen name of a native Illinoisan currently living in San Antonio, Texas. She’s filled several roles over the course of her adult life - licensed attorney, wrangler of small children, and obsessed baseball fan, among others. An extroverted introvert with a serious social media addiction, she is the author of The Bellator Saga, an epic, genre-crossing romance series. You can catch all of her quirky updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or at her website.


Dissident (The Bellator Saga Book 1) is currently FREE on all platforms. Get your one-click finger ready!

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