Author Spotlight: Tere Michaels

Heeeeeey! Happy Monday, Peeps! 

Can you believe January is almost over? Holy crap. Some days it feels like this month is flying by, other days it feels like this month is SUPER LONG. LOL, I can’t win. I wish time would slow down a little considering I have a deadline I need to meet in February. Eek! 

But enough about me, let’s focus on the fab lady I’m spotlighting today. Tere Michaels is amazing. I first met Tere at the Liberty States Fiction Writers conference in 2016. The things that came out of the woman’s mouth during a game of Dirty Mad Libs would make you blush… and keel over with laughter. Her sense of humor is one of the reasons I ❤️️ her something fierce. 

Get to know a little about this massively cool lady. 

I always find author interviews kind of boring. We only get to see one side of an author, the polite side. If you had an evil doppelganger, what detail would they enjoy revealing about you to the public that people would find surprising and possibly questionable?

I am impatient. Like, so so impatient. Heavy sighing levels of impatient. I am not here for your indecision, meandering, or line-holding-up. Lines! Oh my Lord, lines! Does no one remember kindergarten?! Why are lines so difficult for adults?!

My evil doppelganger would tell you exactly what is going through my head when I’m waiting behind someone on line…and it’s really not pretty.  I should never be mic’d when I’m driving. It would just be an endless stream of bleeps.

Do you sing in the shower? If so, what’s your go-to song?

I do not. I don’t think I ever have! I do sing in the car but it’s usually just whatever earworm pop song that’s been created in a lab to become popular.

Aside from being an author, you’re also the Programming Coordinator for the RT Booklovers Convention. How on earth do you manage it all? Planning for RT is a year-round thing, what’s your schedule like?

My schedule is basically a rollercoaster of deadlines and more deadlines and shifting deadlines and also deadlines. This is my third RT as staff and while I’ve gotten a lot of things into a reasonable groove, it’s still impossible to map out a schedule. Some weeks are insane, some are quieter. The lack of rhythm sometimes works against me!

Basically, I’m in the city two days a week, work from home the rest, write when I can!

What’s the last thing you read, saw, or listened to that you wanted to tell someone about?

I am reading an arc of “Jane on the Brain: Exploring the Science of Social Intelligence with Jane Austen” by Wendy Jones. It’s a mix of brain science, Jane Austen, sociology, and psychology – like someone said, “What sort of book would Tere flip out over? Let’s make THAT.

It was released last month. Everyone should read it!

Favorite childhood Halloween costume?

When I was super small, maybe three, Mom took a suede jacket and sewed leaves on it. I was FALL. I mean, how cute is that?! I wanted to wear it like that beyond Halloween because it was so cool.

Other than an HEA or HFN, what else should a romance contain?

An emotional connection. Lust is great, meet cutes are lovely, external plot devices can be swell but if you don’t have an emotional connection between the characters (and I daresay, a positive emotional connection!), then you don’t have a romance IMHO. I want to internally melt and sizzle and writhe around on the floor over a GLANCE or a gentle touch because I understand the power of it, because of the emotional connection. It can make or break a romance novel for me.

Are you team waffles or team pancakes? I think I may make this a required question from now on. I need to know where allegiances lie and who I can truly trust.

Team pancakes! (Although, maybe my evil twin will insert themselves here and confess I don’t really care for maple syrup…)

What’s your bucket list must visit destination?

I want to go to Italy, Sicily to be exact, because that’s where my grandmother is from.

What’s the last five-star romance you read?

Lickety Split by Damon Suede!

In three words, sum up your thoughts on the report released last year by Leah and Bea, owners of the Ripped Bodice, on diversity in publishing. 

DO BETTER PEOPLE. (And about a thousand exclamation points.)

**Bonus Question**

Ever tried BDSM? If not, would you?

No I haven’t. Would I? I’m not sure. I’m fascinated by it; I’ve read it, I’ve even written it (at least the mental aspects of it, in my poly m/m/f romance, “Three to Get Ready”) but as far as participating, I’d probably say no. Without judgment, just knowing myself. There’s an allure, an aspect of it—letting go, giving up control—that appeals while at the same time my inner voice just starts laughing loudly.


Tere Michaels writes happily ever afters in the big city – with heaps of snark, angst and humor. Her focus is on characters and all the ridiculous ways they trip through life and love. She has written fifteen books including her popular Faith, Love & Devotion series and the superhero saga, The Vigilante.

She is a member of RWA and Liberty States Fiction Writers.

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Get your one-click on! Purchase Tere’s latest release, The Heir Apparent at the following retailers:

Dreamspinner Press


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